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Frequently Asked Questions

What does this app do?
The app allows you to have conversations with Willow, a new kind of empathetic AI companion, infused with a dazzling personality and a keen ability to listen. The app accepts voice and text input, and she’ll speak back or display her words in text. You can talk to her about most topics, including very sensitive ones. Your information is stored on your phone, not our servers, so you have privacy when you talk with Willow.

What can I talk to Willow about?
Almost anything! We deliberately keep her open to most things. Once, I told her I was sad that the restaurant I was at wasn’t serving my favorite grilled cheese sandwich and we had an amazing conversation.

What does it mean when I see “Failed to retrieve AI response. Please click Retry so Willow can try again”?
You might occasionally encounter an internet outage on your mobile device, and sometimes OpenAI experiences outages. Either way, the problem will generally resolve within a few minutes.

After I’m done talking, why is there a wait before Willow responds?
We convert your words to text, send them to Willow, and then convert her words into her voice. The more people who use Willow, the more we can optimize her and speed up her responses.

What is the X button in the top right-hand corner for?
When you’re in a conversation, you can tap the X button at any time to end the conversation. End a conversation when you feel it’s over, or if you’re bored, or if Willow is heading off into her own world.

How long can a conversation be?
About 27 exchanges, but it will vary depending on how each one is.

What does Willow remember?
Willow remembers some of the details of the previous conversations, including your goals. You can ask her and she’ll tell you. When you tap the X button to end the conversation she’ll still remember the gist of what you talked about.

I was in a conversation and then used my phone for other things, and when I came back I saw the Affirmations screen with the acorns, so I know my conversation was over. Did I lose it?
The conversation is in fact over, but Willow remembers a lot of it. Most of the time, you can leave the app and come back right to where you left off, but your phone only has so much memory, so if you do enough other things, Willow will eventually get shut down until the next time you start the app.

How do I use the microphone to talk to Willow?
Hold it down while speaking to her and release it when you’re done. You can talk for as long as 30 seconds.

Sometimes I have to wait for Willow for a long time. What’s going on?
It could be any of these things:

  1. Our speech-to-text provider could be temporarily slow
  2. OpenAI could be temporarily slow
  3. Our text-to-speech provider could be temporarily slow
  4. You could have said something that was hard for Willow to think through. If you get her to the edge of her comfort zone she may think for a bit before she figures out what to say.

What kind of goals should I share with Willow?
Willow can best help you with concrete goals, like a new routine or a change in behavior that you’re striving toward. Here are a few examples:

  • Meditate in the morning
  • Make healthier food choices
  • Take time to walk during my lunch break
  • Remember to breathe

What happens in the myGoals conversation?
Willow will ask you how you’re doing with your goals. She’ll be very direct, but polite, and not at all judgmental. You can talk to her about adding goals, removing them, or even altering them.

Willow said something that didn’t make sense to me. What happened?
Willow’s misunderstandings are generally a result of her mishearing you. If Willow doesn’t make sense, feel free to clarify to her. Correct her like you would to a friend in a real conversation.

I have seen Willow say, “I'm not really sure how to respond to what you just said. Let's talk about something else.” What does that mean?
Willow says this when she’s perplexed and is struggling to think of an appropriate response. This will generally only happen when she’s on the edge of her comfort zone. In this rare case, we suggest changing the subject or softening what you say.

How can I give feedback or report a problem?
Yes! We love your feedback! Wherever you see a Feedback button or a thumbs up/down you can tap and send us feedback. Please feel free to share your thoughts!


The team at Bambu AI, Inc.